Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Old People + Young Jeezy + Animal Collective = My Dream

"Breakfast At Sulimays, Episode 16." I have no idea what this is, but it's quite possibly the most amazing video of all time. I want to send money to Woodshop films to ensure that they never stop making these. So many thoughts: I hope this is my life when I'm old and senile; Ann, Joe, and Bill interact very similarly to Paula, Simon, and Randy; everyone has a mildly-to-inappropriately racist grandparent that would say something like, "I wonder what our prominent black.... people... would think about this;" if they don't like "My Girls" then they obviously have significant hearing deficits; I wonder how Animal Collective would feel if they knew they were being compared to Elton John; "DON'T FORGET YOUR GIRL SCOUTS! I LOVE THE THIN MINTS!"

Honestly, I need to find the entire back-catalogue. Enjoy music criticism at its highest!

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