Monday, March 9, 2009

Double the Fun

Spring has sprung (at least here in the ATL) and for those of us who love TV that means we are at the height of our reality season. My plate is full with Idol, Dancing with the Stars, Top Model and the Amazing Race which means a double serving of reality recap today!

The first episode of Dancing with the Stars is always a little full but entertaining none the less. Quotes of the night definitely go to Lil Kim...
"The first time I saw Dancing With the Stars was when I was in prison"
"Dedicated to all my girls in the federal detention center"
Despite her inexplicable pride in her incarceration the Queen Bee has potential to be the breakout star of this season. You can also add gymnast Shawn Johnson to that list. She and Mark will be a force to be reckoned with; plus we all know he has an excellent track record with Olympians.

I hated Jackass the show (even though Johnny Knoxville was looking damn good in the audience) but I'm actually pulling for Stevo-O. He was adorable doing his chaine turns with a goofy smile in a pin-striped suit. And he was so happy at the end!!

It's always good to see So You Think You Can Dance alums doing well - there really aren't too many good gigs out there for dancers. I loved Chelsie and Dmitry on SYTYCD and I'm glad they're joining Lacey on this show.

Finally, I couldn't have said it better than the judges, "The Bachelor's loss is DWTS' gain" I'm glad to see Melissa gets to extend her 15 minutes a little longer and I LOVED all the Jason bashing by the judges...jerk totally deserves it all.

No elimination until after another round of dances next week so no predictions here.

Next up...American Idol
I knew there would be a double elimination this season but I didn't expect it this early. I don't really think it's giving people enough time to establish themselves but oh well. This is getting a bit long so I'm just going to keep it to grades tonight.

Lil - B+
Scott - B-
Danny - A+! OK this was too good for me not to comment on. I was one of the people getting tired of the producers shoving him down our throats but DAMN that was great! I even liked the dancing so take that Simon!
Michael - B
Jasmine - B-
Kris - B+ in reality but an A because I'm in love with him
Allison - B
Anoop - C+
Jorge - B
Megan - C
Adam - C+ - Someone please make him stop. I can hardly listen to him sing and don't understand WHAT the judges are hearing. I would love to know what kind of album they think he could put out right now and be successful - Phantom of the Opera - T-Pain remix?
Matt - B
Alexis - A- I was wishing and hoping someone would do this song and I thought she did great!!

I really don't know who is going to go home but my personal picks would be Megan and Jasmine. It's time to get the dead weight women out of here!

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Guys are killing the girls this year. Kris is so cute!! But who out of them could actually be a star??
