My parents always tell people a story about when I was maybe 3 years old (there's video evidence to corroborate, unfortunately). Apparently I had one of those Playskool (or equivalent toy-maker) karaoke machines that had a microphone and and a tape player. My parents had a copy of Bruce's Born in the USA, and since it had been out for a while and they weren't really listening to it that much anymore, they gave it to me. Long story short, at age three, I knew every word to "Born in the USA" and used the karaoke machine so much it eventually broke. Then I cried. And then I started playing with Legos.
But I never lost my love for The Boss, and he continues to make excellent music even today. I'll always have a special place in my heart for Born in the USA and his other classic, early records like Born to Run. Still, when you're doing stage slides that end with your crotch in a camera during halftime at the Super Bowl, you're not doing too badly.
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