Monday, September 14, 2009

America's Moral Outrage Over Kanye West!

Full disclosure: I didn't watch the VMAs last night. Besides having an almost allergic reaction every time I hear/see anything on MTV, there were much better things to watch. But I didn't need to see it to know that something "shocking" happened between Kanye West and Taylor Swift. While obviously an abnormal event, the indignation over what happened and the reaction to the incident are really surprising in light of both history and the reality of the situation. If you will:
  1. Let's not forget that he was right. Beyonce's video was better. Audra said it. I'm saying it. It's not debatable.
  2. The most incredible thing about the reaction is the apparent shock. Not that it's an excuse, but he's done this time and time and time again. The last thing anyone should be is surprised.
  3. So Kanye stole Ms. Swift's "moment." Really? Winning an MTV Video Music Award is a "moment?" I mean, obviously, it matters to Kanye (a lot). But we're talking about a girl who's had experience with award nominations AND wins. Granted, her breakthrough as a "country" artist on MTV is significant, but let's not make this a bigger deal than it is.
  4. More indignation: "She's just a girl!" Yeah, she's 19, but she's also a platinum-selling recording artist who's listed on Forbe's Most Powerful Celebrities list. Maybe she's a little more mature than your average 19 year-old. And by the way... anyone who looks like that isn't allowed to talk about how the football players don't notice her. Period.
  5. If you're a conspiracy theorist, consider this: everyone benefitted from the situation. MTV did... the VMAs are all anyone talked about this morning. Beyonce looks like a gracious matron of pop stars. Taylor Swift (if possible) becomes more sympathetic and even more popular. And Kanye, ever the purveyor of the old adage "no press is bad press," has people talking about him. Who's to say this wasn't cleverly planned? (Note: I don't believe this because the reactions seemed genuine. But still...)
I don't think anyone would defend Kanye's actions. He's a dolt, and yes... undoubtedly egotistical. But why anyone would be up in arms, surprised, or self-righteous about his award-show improvisation is either ignorant to the past or just looking for something to complain about. Let's not forget, these are musicians worth millions and millions of dollars. They'll probably be okay. Let's save the outrage for things that really matter.

That being said, I'd probably cry if he did that to me, too... I'm just sensitive like that.

(Photo: Jason DeCrow/AP via LA Times)


  1. this DOES really matter, matt. come on!!

    (check out my new profile pic - i get caught up in this stuff) :)

  2. Taylor Swift is the single greatest thing that has happened to tween girls in years. She can do no wrong. In the words of Katy Perry "you just don't do that to Taylor ... is like stepping on a kitten." Effectively, Kayne West is going to hell.
    That is all.

  3. Oh, and please post and comment on Kanye's appearance on Leno last night. What a douche. And i hate that word.
