Chris Brown is a chode.
I mean, look at him! Sure, you could make fun of his atrocious choice of Carolina blue, the fact that he almost looks asleep while being interviewed by Larry Fucking King, or that bowtie (really, a bowtie?). But clearly, none of those reasons adequately explain why Chris Brown is such a chode. If you had the unfortunate inclination to actually watch the interview yesterday, I feel sorry for you. If you didn't get a chance, let me summarize:
Larry King: Obviously this was a horrible incident. What do you remember from that night?So he's, uhhh, clearly learned his lesson? He's not going to hit another woman? Really?
Chode Brown: Man, it was like, oh my God. I can't believe this. It's all so crazy to me. Like, wow.
Larry: So you're saying you don't remember?
Attorney + Mom: He already answered that. Next question.
A defense I've actually heard a surprising number of people argue is that "He's just a young kid who's made a mistake. How much do you want him to suffer? Do you really never want him to make music again? Let's just move on." I'd like to address each one of those statements/questions:
- "He's just a young kid" - He's not that young, but all right. I'm reasonable. I will grant that he is, in fact, a kid (technically speaking).
- "[He's] made a mistake" - a.) this isn't the first time it's happened, so that singular noun needs to get the hell out and b.) yes, he's made a mistake. I think we can all agree that he's made a really, really big mistake that any normal person would be punished for.
- "How much do you want him to suffer?" - Come on! That makes me sound mean! I don't want the guy to suffer, but something should happen, given that he "punched [Rihanna] in the left eye. He then drove away and continued to punch her in the face … caus[ing] her mouth to fill with blood and blood to splatter all over her clothing and the interior of the vehicle*" Mike Vick went to prison for two years... Chris Brown has 6 months of community service and 5 years of probation. His sentence is basically what most good people do every day. Congrats.
- "Do you really never want him to make music again?" - I mean, he's a pretty good singer, and I like some of his songs. But is the world that much worse of a place without Chris Brown's music? Probably not. Is the world a more depressing place with people who abuse women, don't go to jail, and have the opportunity to do the same thing again? Probably.
- "Let's just move on."
He's just a chode.
* From wwtdd.com
Despite the fact that I don't know what a chode is and am afraid to Urban-Dictionary it, I completely agree with your assessment of the Chris Brown situation here. I am also tired of people giving celebs a break due to the "stress of fame" - which has pretty much become a (literal) get out of jail free card for almost any reprehensible act that other people would get kicked out of school or fired from a job for. I'm even more annoyed by the fact that celeb screw ups not only come virtually consequence-free but actually end up garnering them free publicity, which often enough helps their record sales or movie earnings. In this particular case, I'm just really astounded by how many people have come out defending Chris Brown with the pathetic lines of "he's just a kid," or "everyone makes mistakes," while so embarrassingly few people have made a strong statement in support of Rihanna's side... including herself, who didn't do her teenage-girl fan base any favors by dropping charges and reportedly getting back together with Chris. Good God...