Maybe it was because I was focused on cooking my dinner but at first I thought Madonna's speech was awkward. Listening to it a second time at the beginning of the replay I appreciated her honesty and it actually seemed to come from the heart. The tribute was perfect in that it focused on the moves that made Michael a star and helped make MTV a success. Janet's appearance gave me immediate chills and I love that how she was able to dance alongside her brother once again in one of my favorite dance routines ever. It was also awesome how she was surrounded by some of the most prominent choreographers of today (Wade Robson, Tina Landon, Laurie Ann Gibson, Brian Friedman, Tyce Diorio..I couldn't place the others) who no doubt wanted to support their friend.
Kanye vs. Taylor Swift - I totally agree with him in that Beyonce was WAY more deserving but you just DON'T DO THAT! Looks like he'll have to do some heavy lifting to regain any shred of likeability after this gaffe....aaaaand the VMAs just broke Twitter.
Lady Gaga's first bold move was performing "Paparazzi" instead of her other singles. I'm pretty sure one of her dancers was on the audition episode of SYTYCD this week - can anyone confirm this? And just in case you didn't believe the dance world is small there goes Mark from Season 4! You knew things couldn't stay relatively tame for too long with Gaga on the stage - out comes the wheelchair, crutch and blood. Performance art much? Regardless the choreography was tight and you gotta give her props for always bringing something new.
Beyonce comes out looking ridiculously amazing per usual and sounded great - actual singing! Some people may think Single Ladies is played out but the visual of having all those girls up there in unison was spectacular.
Eminem is scary skinny now...and did he really need a bodyguard onstage?
Pink gets credit for pulling off her acrobatic act even if she wasn't singing (it was hard to tell)
How many outfits did Lady Gaga bring tonight?
Beyonce totally deserved Video of the Year and by letting Taylor Swift come out and have her moment showed that she is just as classy a person as she is amazing performer.
Jay-Z and Alicia Keys killed it. Period. But who told Lil' Mama to go onstage?
Another VMAs has come and gone and it again has done what it does best...got people talking. The internets are abuzz and heaven knows we'll be hearing about Kanye for days to come. Odds that the Today show covers it tomorrow??
heres to roomies and we'll always have kenny pocket!