Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wednesday Wrap-Up

If reality television were food, Wednesday nights would be a veritable feast.  Last night I not only got treated to fantastic episodes of 4 of my favorites but I was also pleased with the outcome for all of them!  Days like this don't come around very often so excuse me while I bask in the glory.

AI - In case you haven't noticed I've gotten every single Idol elimination right this season!  If only I had money on these results I wouldn't be scrambling to finish this FAFSA (...GSRATW.)  As much as I loved Anoop-Dawg it was time for him to go and we all know what I think about Lil.  This may just be the best top 5 Idol has had yet.

ANTM - Ding Dong the Witch is dead!  No love lost for Natalie but I'm a little peeved that Tyra decides 8 eliminations in to mention Celia's age and "non-fresh" face.   Look for her to get the boot next week.

Make Me a Supermodel - Kerryn may be a supermodel in Arkansas but neither the judges nor I gave a damn.  And let's be real Lauri should have gone long ago.

RW/RR Challenge - Words cannot express how much I LOVE THIS SHOW!  I want to hire Evan to narrate my life.  He can make even the most mundane occurrence sound like it's the end of the world.  Now that people are starting to turn against him the game could get even more interesting.

I feel so good you would think I actually won something...maybe I should be on one of these shows one day?  Who am I kidding - the only reason I get so much joy watching them is because they make me feel so much better about myself.

1 comment:

  1. i miss the ANTM days of jade. remember the elephant shoot? something about elephants being the descendants of dinosaurs really gave her a sense of history.
