Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's that wondrous time of year again... when people clean their spectacles, put on their
most vintage clothing, and head to their local record store to support... well, records! I've read a few articles recently about the decline/potential elimination of CDs as a medium for music. Taking its place? Obviously those nifty, computerized bytes of sound known as MP3s. But record sales are on the rise too, as people still clamor for the physical experience of having something they can touch that represents their music. With many record companies offering a free MP3 download upon purchase of their record, it's not surprising that record sales are taking off, and that CDs, although probably never getting phased out, will become yesterday's news pretty soon. So... get with the times and head to your local record store tomorrow! I'll be in Dallas, probably hitting up
Good Records... although if I was in Atlanta, I'd be spending a lot of time at
Criminal Records (their new location is pretty awesome). Check out the
Record Store Day website or this
article from Pitchfork to get the run down on all the live shows, free stuff, and exclusive releases by TONS of bands. Do your part... support your independent record store tomorrow!!
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