You couldn't have waited just a few more minutes before taking a potty break? Don't you know running suppresses your urge to pee?? All I know is if I were in a race for a million dollars I would have been ok with a little pee on the leg...I'm just saying. But due to your overwhelming pride we are stuck with the one of the rudest teams on TAR ever so thanks for that. Looks like the previews have the teams in Hawaii. With any hope Jamie and Cara will try to pull their same crap and get a big ole can of American whoopass unleashed on them. I can really only cheer for Victor and Tammy now - let's hope they can pull it off without a language advantage.
I totally agree with you about Jamie and Cara, although I kind of feel bad for Cara and was happy to see her start to stick up for herself. Jen and Kisha, on the other hand, should have been eliminated last week and I was glad to see them go. I wish it would have been double elimination because I think it would be a shame to see Jamie and Cara awarded for their rudeness or Kisha and Jen awarded for their inability to man up.