Lost (ABC) - How can you rationally talk about a show that is so irrational and insane that when you tell someone you watch it, they immediately either laugh at you or launch into their theory of what the HELL happened at the end of this season?? It’s impossible, unless you’re
this guy from Entertainment Weekly, who writes excellent reviews about each episode, complete with wacky ideas about every plot twist and turn. And boy howdy (yes… boy howdy), this season had its share of them. I’ll admit, the constant time-jumping was actually kind of annoying and hard to follow (laws of physics, notwithstanding), and a number of characters were very underutilized (Jin and Sun, for sure). But episode-for-episode, this was one of (if not the) best seasons of
Lost. Between the reformed Sawyer, the batty Jack, and the comedy duo of Hurley and Miles, there was a good amount of character development this season. But this season will by defined by two things: the performance of Michael Emerson (as Ben Linus) and the season finale, “The Incident.” Terry O’Quinn’s portrayal of John Locke was excellent, but Emerson is the best actor on television (not an overstatement), and if he doesn’t win an Emmy, there is something seriously wrong. He at once elicits both sympathy and hatred, and he does both in such subtle ways that you don’t even realize you feel sorry for him/hate him until after you’ve started doing it. As for “The Incident,” I don’t even know how to begin thinking about it. Did a hydrogen bomb go off? Is Jacob’s nemesis the black smoke? Is Locke really dead? Does Jack really believe he wanted to blow up the island for a second shot with Kate? (Her?) This was a Top 5 episode (as a season finale should be) and I can’t wait for the next (and last) season. They’re unlikely to answer every question (like ‘What’s the deal with Aaron?!?!’), but I feel confident that by the end, we’ll be able to look back and say that it was one of the better television series in the past decade.
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