It's November, which means that we're officially entrenched in the "Top Albums of the Year" wheelhouse. Not surprisingly, an outfit that stands to profit from developing a list of their 100 best albums of the year (Amazon.com) have beaten everyone to the punch and released their list to holiday shoppers. Personally, I think 100 albums is
way too many for just one year. It's an interesting list (and one I don't really agree with), but at the very least, it's a jumping off point/reference for those looking to develop their own "Best Of..." rankings (yours truly, included). You can find the
full Top 100 smack-dab on the front of Amazon's Music page, but get ready... these posts are going to be
much more frequent in the next two months!
Amazon.com Top 20 of 2009
20 Horrors - Primary Colours
19 Leonard Cohen - Live In London
18 Amadou & Mariam - Welcome To Mali
17 Sarah Jarosz - Song Up In Her Head
16 Steve Earle - Townes
15 The Swell Season - Strict Joy
14 Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest
13 Passion Pit - Manners
12 Wilco - Wilco (The Album)
11 Metric - Fantasies
10 Camera Obscura - My Maudlin Career
09 Jay-Z - The Blueprint 3
08 K'Naan - Troubadour
07 Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavillion
06 Girls - Album
05 The Avett Brothers - I And Love And You
04 The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart - The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart
03 Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
02 Yeah Yeah Yeahs - It's Blitz
01 Neko Case - Middle Cyclone
Yay Avetts, but who is everyone else?