I've actually come down a little from the initial high that the Bowerbirds'
Upper Air afforded me. That's not surprising, seeing as it's almost 2 months old at this point. But upon first listen (and second, and third, and many more after that), it was absolutely blissful. Sure, a lot of albums come out that sound as pretty as
Upper Air, but very few have the same impact. And I'm not really sure why that is. After seeing them twice in concert, I'm starting to believe that a lot of it stems from the fact that the two main vocalists, Phil Moore and Beth Tacular, are in a relationship. That maybe, because of their romantic chemistry, their voices sound that much more perfect in harmony. Of course, that's almost undoubtedly untrue, but I can't shake the thought that on some level, their vocal cords resonate at a special "boyfriend/girlfriend" frequency (although I shudder to think what the Kurt Cobain/Courtney Love corollary would be to that theory). Regardless,
something gives me goosebumbs every time I listen to "Northern Lights," and it's as good an album as any to kick-off our Album of the Week series. Enjoy.
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