Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Jon Stewart to CNN: Stop Being Goat-F@#!ers

If you missed The Daily Show on Monday night, then you missed something that CNN (and all 24-hour news media outlets, really) has had coming for a long time. One of the most egregious practices of these cable news networks is their lack of fact checking on almost everything they report. Hosts and their guests routinely spout off figures and data without ever providing sources, often sounding like they've never even read anything about the topic on which they're reporting. And in this 11-minute segment, Jon Stewart and his staff have brilliantly laid CNN bare on that account. You know something is good when it begins with video of CNN fact-checking a Saturday Night Live sketch and ends with John Oliver stating, as fact: "... if you need a goat fucked, CNN will do it." HI-larious!

Sidenote: While watching Colbert, he mentioned that Miley Cyrus recently deactivated her Twitter account (stop the press, I know!), which has just over 2 million followers. That sounded high, even for someone who's core audience is Twitter-tastic, but that got me thinking where she ranked on the list of "Most Followed" on Twitter. Here's a website (which I did not fact-check) that has some stats. Very interesting perusing... I knew that Ashton Kutcher had the most because it the only thing he's ever accomplished... ever. And it makes sense that CNN and the NY Times have a lot of followers. But as you move down the list, it's pretty shocking. Like the fact that MC Hammer and Rainn Wilson have 1.5+ million followers, or that LeVar Burton (yes, LeVar Burton!) has 1.3+ million followers. Twitter, man... Twitter.

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