Thursday, September 10, 2009

Some Music, Some TV

"Behind The Music: Lil' Wayne" - It's happening tonight, I believe at 10pm, on VH1. If you've ever seen a Lil' Wayne interview, then you know this is basically required viewing. We're talking about a guy who just made about eleventy billion dollars on tour. At the very least, set your DVR!

Ellen DeGeneres as 4th judge on Idol
- Guest judges are still around until after the auditions phase, at which point Ellen will undoubtedly serve as a source of funny sarcasm to counterbalance Simon Cowell's douchy sarcasm. [CNN]

Glee - To the delight of former high school show choir members everywhere (and probably current members, too), Glee had its proper premiere last night. We haven't seen it yet, but expect Audra to write about this show, probably with great joy. And let's be honest, Jane Lynch is good in basically everything she does. Hey, I need a reason to watch it too!

Stephen Colbert Interview in Rolling Stone - So I completely forgot why or how this happened, but I got an issue of Rolling Stone in the mail yesterday. One of their cover stories lists 50 reasons to watch TV, and their #1 reason is Colbert. The magazine has a pretty interesting article about Colbert that delves into some pretty heavy stuff (loss of family, religion, work ethic). Online, you can find a couple of extras, including more interview fodder and a profile that wasn't included with the print article.

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